Journal Publications
Citation Data: Google Scholar and Research Gate profile.
*Co-first author; #Co-corresponding author
Shih, S.C.C#, Goyal, G., Kim, P.W., Koutsoubelis, N., Keasling, J.D., Adams, P.D., Hillson, N.J., Singh, A.K.#., A Versatile Microfluidic Device for Automating Synthetic Biology. ACS Synthetic Biology (2015), 10, 1151-1164 [pdf] [SI] [link] [Cover page of journal]
Shih, S.C.C., Mufti, N., Chamberlain, M.D., Kim, J., Wheeler, A.R., A Droplet-Based Screen for Wavelength-Dependent Lipid Production in Algae. Energy & Environmental Science (2014), 7, 2366-2375. [pdf] [SI] [vid] [link] (Impact factor: 15.49) Highlighted in the media: Chemistry World, Scientific American
Shih S.C.C., Yang H., Jebrail M.J., Fobel R., McIntosh N., Al-Dirbashi O.Y., Chakraborty P., and Wheeler A.R., Digital Microfluidics coupled to nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry for succinylacetone analysis in dried blood spots. Analytical Chemistry (2012), 84, 3731-3738. [pdf] [link] Cover page of journal
Au, S.H.*, Shih, S.C.C.*, and Wheeler A.R. Integrated Microbioreactor for the Culture and Analysis of Bacteria, Algae and Yeast. Biomedical Microdevices (2011), 13, 41-50. [pdf] [link] (Impact factor: 2.718)
Wu, Y., Shih S.C.C., and Goto, N.K. Probing the structure of the Ff bacteriophage major coat protein transmembrane helix dimer by solution NMR. BBA - Biomembranes (2007), 1768: 3206-3215. [pdf] [link]