
Droplet and digital microfluidics have significant advantages for solving biological and chemical problems. Read more »

Synthetic Biology
To create new microbes that can solve our world's energy and health problems using microfluidics.

Using microfluidics and synthetic biology tools to target and to analyze cancer cells.

Combining light, automation, and feedback control systems to analyze our biological systems.

Directed Evolution
Using microfluidics to perform high-throughput screening to find active enzymes and high producers. Read more »

Single-cell Analysis
Trapping single cells in droplets for numerous biological applications. We use droplet-based microfluidic approaches. Read more »

We are a team of inter-disciplinary scientists that have curious minds interested in developing new technologies. We use microfluidic "chips" and synthetic biology tools to tackle challenges in areas related to health and energy. We are excited to welcome new students who are curious and enthusiastic like us! Check out this website and feel free to follow us on social media.
Graduate positions
We are currently looking for motivated and exceptional graduate students (Master or Doctoral) to join our lab. See our current openings! If there is a match, you will receive an email requesting an interview.

Interested in joining
our group?
To apply for a position, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to:
St.George Williams Campus
Engineering and Visual Arts Building
1515 St. Catherine West, Room EV 16.189
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3G 2W1
Phone: 514-848-2424 x7579
Loyola Campus
Center of Structural and Functional Genomics
7141 Sherbrooke St. West, Room GE 330.15
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H4B 1R6
Phone: 514-848-2424 x7579